IQBD (IQ Balance Detector)

IQ Balancing Aid / 10 Watt Dummy Load
New redesigned IQBD with the option of an enclosure for a finished look.  The base price includes main PCB with all the parts to assemble without enclosure.

The IQBD (IQ Balance Detector) is a device to aid in determining the correct balance of the IQ audio signal sent to a Multus SDR, LLC. transceiver. Most transceivers (including the Proficio) that implement Tayloe mixers to generate the transmitted RF signal may need small adjustments to the balance of the two channel I/Q audio signal provided to the transceiver. If the I/Q signals are too far out of balance, an image signal is produced in the transmitted RF signal. MSCC configures a default set of I/Q values for each transceiver version.  The default values set the I/Q balance well within the limits for spurious radiation. However due to minor variations in assembly of the transceiver, the I/Q balance may not be optimal. With I/Q calibration, the image signal can be reduced to well below 60db below carrier.

Determining the strength of the image signal is often performed by listening to the transmitted signal on a second receiver or transceiver. The IQBD eliminates the need for a second receiver or transceiver.

The IQBD also serves as a general purpose 50Ω dummy load.  Maximum input power is 10 watts.

  1. Highly sensitive to IQ out of balance conditions.
  2. LED IQ balance visual indicator.
  3. Audio IQ balance output indicator.
  4. 10W maximum input power.
  5. Powered 13.8V supply or A23 12V battery (not supplied).

The IQBD is sold as a kit and contains SMT devices.
Technical support and documentation is located at: Support.
Please do not use this website to obtain technical support. Requests for technical support via this website will not receive a response.
NOTE: These kits are produced at time of order. There is a two day lead time before shipping the kit.
  • Availability: 1 In Stock

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